Opting for Fairtrade Gold jewellery can make a difference to the lives of small-scale artisanal miners and their communities by supporting a system of fair wages, healthy working environments, and ethical practices. By choosing Fairtrade Gold, you are supporting a project that has the potential to improve the quality of life of 100 million people affected by the gold mining industry.
Fairtrade ensures that no one under the age of 18 can work underground in mines and children under 15 years should not work in mining. Miners receive a fair wage and work fair hours. Also, through the Fairtrade Premium, miners can invest in the future of their communities and support education, medical and environmental projects.

One of our expert setters working with Fairtrade Gold Jewellery
Fairtrade Gold Jewellery: The 2020 Annual Report
In the last 25 years, companies working with Fairtrade have contributed to the €1 billion of Fairtrade Premium that is given to farmers, miners and workers. In total, Hockley Mint generated an estimated £1,700 for Fairtrade Premiums during 2020, the majority of which was produced through the sale of Fairtrade Gold jewellery.
All our products can be cast in Fairtrade Gold and we’re seeing increases in orders for 18ct yellow and white which we believe, at the very least, shows an increase in awareness. It’s now estimated by Fairtrade that 90% of people have seen the Fairtrade mark. We are proud to support Fairtrade Gold and consistently post features to our social media platforms to raise awareness, discussing topics such as facts and figures, benefits and impacts, and case studies.
Fairtrade Gold Jewellery: CECOMSAP Case Study
Having a more stable income means Fairtrade miners can plan and meet their needs and those of their communities. On top of the Fairtrade Minimum Price, Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Organisations (ASMOs) earn the Fairtrade Premium to invest as they see fit.
CECOMSAP is a collection of 10 small-scale mines based in the Apolobamba Mountains of south Peru. These mines spent their Fairtrade Premium on a range of projects including an upgraded canteen for miners and workers to eat regular hot meals.
In addition, CECOMSAP chose to invest in equipment and developing infrastructure, like a gold processing plant, which enables the miners to capture gold particles from crushed ore more efficiently and reduces their use of chemicals.
Recently, with the impacts of COVID-19 being felt by small-scale miners across Peru and around the world, Fairtrade Premium has been vital for CECOMSAP to adjust and respond to the pandemic. Pedro Cori, the president of CECOMSAP explains: ‘Selling our gold on Fairtrade terms helps us absorb shocks and to move forwards’. CECOMSAP have used the Premium to construct quarantine facilities and accommodation for miners travelling into the area from neighbouring communities and have been able to provide advanced Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 testing equipment to ensure that miners can return to work safely.

CECOMSAP: Miners of Fairtrade Gold in the canteen they built using Premium funds
Playing Our Part: A Visit from Peruvian Fairtrade Gold Miners
Before the pandemic, we hosted workshop tours with Fairtrade representatives. Our most recent tour saw Hockley Mint visited by representatives from a mine in Peru, who supply Hockley Mint with Fairtrade Gold. This was a fantastic opportunity to show them our production process and demonstrate how their Fairtrade Gold is used in the final stages of jewellery manufacturing.
For more information on Fairtrade Gold Jewellery, see our ‘Why Choose Jewellery Casting in Fairtrade Gold’ article or visit our precious metals page